I am building a time series (xts) from several observations stored in a list of xts objects. The extracted data is missing sometimes, R report the error:
"Error in NextMethod(.Generic) : replacement has length zero"
I would like R to report NA instead. I guess the answer lies in tryCatch(), but I'm unable to nail it.
# Here is a MCVE:
Contract <- list(xts(1:12,order.by=Sys.Date()-1:12),
Vol <- xts(matrix(0, 12,3, byrow = FALSE),order.by=Sys.Date()-1:12)
for (A in 1:12){for (B in 1:3){
Vol[A,B] <- Contract[[B]][index(Vol)[A]]
Any help would be gladly appreciated. (Also, if someone as clever idea to vectorize the double loop...)
We could check if coercing the generated observation into numeric yields numeric(0)
Here is a solution with sapply()
that creates the matrix out of a vector of all dates.
all.dates <- Sys.Date() - 1:12
MX <- t(sapply(seq_along(all.dates), function(x)
sapply(seq_along(Contract), function(y) {
obs <- Contract[[y]][all.dates[x]]
if (identical(as.numeric(obs), numeric(0))) # reporting NA
xts(NA, all.dates[x])
Vol <- xts(MX, order.by=all.dates)
rm(MX) # clean up
> Vol
[,1] [,2] [,3]
2019-01-09 12 NA NA
2019-01-10 11 NA NA
2019-01-11 10 10 NA
2019-01-12 9 9 8
2019-01-13 8 8 7
2019-01-14 7 7 6
2019-01-15 6 6 5
2019-01-16 5 5 4
2019-01-17 4 4 3
2019-01-18 3 3 2
2019-01-19 2 2 1
2019-01-20 1 1 NA
Could you please check if this is the result you expect?