I am using Laravel Spatie response cache: https://github.com/spatie/laravel-responsecache and Multiple language (language switch..).
How to fix: Preventing a request from being cached for language switcher route in Laravel.
I tried to add: ->middleware('doNotCacheResponse'); in lang.switch route but without success...
Route::get('lang/{language}', ['as' => 'lang.switch', 'uses' => 'LanguageController@switchLang'])->middleware('doNotCacheResponse');
Expected results to prevent request when switching pages (links) between language to be cached....
Not sure if I understand you correctly. If the problem is that you get cached results after you select a different language, I think you should clear the entire cache:
LanguageController {
public function switchLang() {
// Switch language
Also, seems like spatie/laravel-responsecache allows you to delete specific URIs with ResponseCache::forget('/some-uri');
To delete cache after altering your data, do something like this
PostController {
public function index()
// Display list of posts
public function edit()
// Display form to edit post
public function update()
// Delete related cache here and update post