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What are good ways to highlight Tabs with color in Vim on Putty?

I always use putty to connect to Linux machines. I really want to make the Tabs in file visible in Vim.

I can have the Tabs highlighted in Gvim with the scripts below.

syntax match Tab /\t/
hi Tab gui=underline guifg=blue ctermbg=blue

However Vim with Putty, it doesn't work. I try to change gui to cterm, guifg to ctermfg. But still not work.

I know there is other way to make Tabs visible like the scripts below. The tabs will be displayed with ">----". However I don't prefer this way.

set lcs=tab:>-
set list!

Do you guys know any way to highlight Tabs with color in Vim on Putty?


  • The spacehi.vim plugin works for me in Putty connecting to a Linux machine.