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How to inject two instances of same object using Autofac?

I'm using Autofac constructor injection. I need to figure out how to inject a single object instance into more than one constructor argument, without needing to explicitly resolve each argument during the container setup phase.

I have a complex scenario which would be simplified by this behavior; the following example is just a simplified scenario so I can demonstrate the behavior I'm looking for.


Say I have these two interfaces, IOpenable and ICloseable:

public interface IOpenable
    void Open();
public interface ICloseable
    void Close();

And I have this Door class which implements both of them:

public interface IDoor : IOpenable, ICloseable { }
public class Door : IDoor, IOpenable, ICloseable 
    void Open() { ... }
    void Close() { ... }

And I have this class which accepts an IOpenable and an ICloseable:

public class DoorHandler : IDoorHandler
    public DoorHandler(IOpenable openable, ICloseable closeable)


Is it possible to tell autofac to inject the same Door object into both arguments whenever both an IOpenable and ICloseable are dependencies in the same constructor?

Note: I can't do:

container.Register<IDoorHandler>( c => {
    Door d = c.Resolve<IDoor>();
    return new DoorHandler(d,d)

That would do what I want, but remember that this DoorHandler class is just an example. In my real code, the "DoorHandler" is really an MVC Controller and I'm registering it with RegisterControllers(). So I can't register it like the above. Besides, sometimes dependency graphs can get overly complex and doing this explicitly in every case can become overwhelming.

I guess what I'm looking for is to be able to do something like:

container.Register<IOpenable>( c => c.ResolveShared<IDoor>(); );
container.Register<ICloseable>( c => c.ResolveShared<IDoor>(); );

where calls to c.ResolveShared<T> will all resolve to the same T object if called for more than one argument in same constructor.

Or perhaps:

container.Register<IOpenable>( c => c.Resolve<IDoor>(); );
container.Register<ICloseable>( c => c.Resolve<IDoor>(); );

Obviously if I was using an InstancePerLifetimeScope or something for the Door object, each resolved Door would be the same instance. But I don't want that, I want a new instance of Door each time a DoorHandler is created, and I want that Door to be passed as both arguments to the DoorHandler constructor.


  • Ok tricky one :) ... Here's one possible solution for generalised "per constructor" sharing:

        .OnPreparing(e => {
            var spr = new SharedConstructorParameter(
            e.Parameters = new Parameter[]{ spr }.Concat(e.Parameters);

    The parameter needs to be set up in the OnPreparing() event because the SharedConstructorParameter instance will be the cache of values per resolve operation.

    class SharedConstructorParameter : Parameter
        object _cachedInstance;
        Type[] _sharedParameterTypes;
        public SharedConstructorParameter(params Type[] sharedParameterTypes)
            _sharedParameterTypes = sharedParameterTypes;
        protected override bool CanSupplyValue(
            ParameterInfo pi,
            IComponentContext cc,
            out Func<object> valueCreator)
            valueCreator = null;
            if (!_sharedParameterTypes.Contains(pi.ParameterType))
                return false;
             valueCreator = () => {
                 _cachedInstance = _cachedInstance ?? cc.Resolve(pi.ParameterType);
                 return cachedInstance;
             return true;

    Yours to compile and debug ;)