I have field last_active on users, I want display time with diffForHumans or time_from_now
from Moment.js. How I can do it? Now I just use:
DateTime::make('Activiy', 'last_active')
When I use:
DateTime::make('Activiy', 'last_active')->diffForHumans()
I get undifined method diffForHumans
To my knowledge at the moment DateTime
only supports format
Since you want only to display, you can try Text
field & display the humanise value. If your column might be null be sure to check for that otherwise you will get an error.
Text::make('Activiy', 'last_active')
->displayUsing(function($lastActive) {
if ($lastActive === null) {
return null;
return $lastActive->diffForHumans();