I am building a bitcoin payment processor based on Coinbase. I will receive Bitcoin from end users.
Coinbase lets wallet owners receive notifications of various events via a webhook.
Which event will be generated when a user sends Bitcoin to my Coinbase wallet addresses?
And how can I know from that notification webhook whether the transaction has been confirmed or not? If confirmed, how many times it has been confirmed?
I know there are transaction APIs, but I also need a response from the webhook, because this information is important.
I have got clear understanding after making payment.
I thought Coinbase will call my webhook each time when transaction get confirmed, But they call only once.
And the event responnsible for new payment is wallet:addresses:new-payment. Which is available in their post data
{"id":"5a6956f9-94bb-5c15-99f3-a90347674","type":"wallet:addresses:new-payment" ....