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How to iterate through pandas-datareader and create multiple dataframes for each stock ticker?

I want to iteratively create multiple dataframes from a list of ticker names.

Here is the stack overflow post i'm referencing:

Stack Overflow Post - Iteratively Create Multiple Dataframes

I'm having trouble understanding how to accomplish this, i feel like i'm missing or misunderstanding something here?

I wrote up the following list and dictionary

list_of_tickers = ['BAC','C','GS','JPM','MS','WFC']
dict_of_tickers = {name: pd.DataFrame() for name in list_of_tickers}

However when i run this portion of the code i get the following error:

for ticker, ticker_data in dict_of_tickers.items():
    ticker_data = data.DataReader(ticker,'yahoo',start,end)

This creates one single dataframe of all tickers but doesn't allow me to distinguish between them, i feel like i'm missing some key logic here.


  • I found out that the DataReader iterates over the list itself so the need to create a dictionary to iterate isn't necessary.

    The following lines of code achieve what I was seeking which is an alternative to concatenating multiple dataframes from each stock ticker to avoid specifying DataReader for each symbol.

    1. Sets the date ranges:
    start = datetime.datetime(2006,1,1)
    end = datetime.datetime(2016,1,1)
    1. Specifies the symbols:
     list_of_tickers = ['BAC','C','GS','JPM','MS','WFC']
    1. Iterates over each ticker, creates a single multilevel column dataframe:
    p = data.DataReader(list_of_tickers, 'yahoo', start, end)
    1. OPTIONAL: Then pivot the 'symbols' column level and replaces the Date index so it can be used in analysis:
    res = p.stack().reset_index()
    1. OPTIONAL: This step isn't necessary and was purely for aesthetics to clean up the FrozenList and index names:
    res.index.names = ['ID']