I am trying to get results with group_concat, concat and count functions in MySQL but it gives me error. here is my table
First, when I try to get count and status with concat, it works fine.
$query="SELECT CONCAT(`status`,':',count(status)) FROM `mytable` GROUP BY status"
It's all fine till here. Now I want this output in one row. So I tried using GROUP_CONCAT().
$query="SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(`status`,':',count(status)) SEPARATOR ',') as rowString FROM `mytable` GROUP BY status"
but now its giving me error " Invalid use of group functions"
Note: the same query works if I replace count(status) with some other field from table ( without count). The count()
function is causing some problem when used in this manner.
Desired Output
Appreciate your help.
You cannot nest aggregation functions (count()
is in the arguments to group_conat()
). One solution is to select from a nested subquery.
SELECT group_concat(status, ':', count SEPARATOR ',') rowstring
FROM (SELECT status,
count(*) count
FROM mytable
GROUP BY status) x;