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Heroku, custom subdomain and a custom constraint

I feel like this should be working based on my reading of other questions, but nothing I've found has so far done so. I have an app that lets club sports teams host a website (in theory). All works well on my local box when using; however deploying to heroku breaks the routing.

Ruby on rails 5.1

Steps I've taken so far:

  1. Added the subdomain to heroku domains. For the heroku app I now have the root domain as an ALIAS or ANAME, www as a cname, and the newly added subdomain (pincity) as a cname.

  2. Added the cname to my dns provider. Using dig returns that the subdomain is returning the correct {crazy-heroku-name} address

  3. After deploy and adding this team to the production app database (slug of 'pincity', so that works), I've restarted the dynos.

I think that should be all I need to do.

My routes file is fairly simple

class TeamWebsiteConstraint
  def matches?(request) "subdomain is #{request.subdomain}"
    Team.where(slug: request.subdomain).any?

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # all other routes

  # Club team custom websites
  constraints do
    root 'team_website#home', as: :team_website_root
    get 'about', to: 'team_website#about', as: :team_website_about
    get 'schedule', to: 'team_website#schedule', as: :team_website_schedule
    get 'faqs', to: 'team_website#resources', as: :team_website_resources
    get 'contact', to: 'team_website#contact', as: :team_website_contact

  root 'marketing#home'

Now when going to heroku, the subdomain redirects me to the root domain. And typing in results in a 404

Edit: I added a little bit of logging to the teamconstraint route. Here's a bit from the log.

at=info method=GET path="/about" request_id=b004b8cc-08e4-4bc9-a87a-d4b37deaa29c fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=4ms status=301 bytes=391 protocol=https 
subdomain is www

It seems like heroku router is doing a 301 redirect before processing the routes code, which means that the subdomain constraint never gets a chance to fire.

Edit 2: I discovered a URL record in DNSSimple that was redirecting the root domain to the www version. I've removed that, and added app logic to handle that redirection for now. Hoping that helps.


  • I agree it appears the redirect is happening before the request hits your Rails app, which would mean it's either Heroku or something before Heroku. Do you have a CDN sitting in front of your Heroku app?

    I could see something like a Cloudflare redirect page rule causing this behavior. I'm especially suspicious of this because your root domain also redirects to www:

    ❯ curl -I      
    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
    Server: Cowboy
    Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2019 14:20:54 GMT
    Connection: keep-alive
    Cache-Control: max-age=3600
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 215
    Via: 1.1 vegur