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How to fix a Date format that changes in my GET URL

I'm sending Date through a Get URL. Those dates are coming from my input in dd-mm-yyyy format but sent through the URL under mm-dd-yyyy format to much the bdd format.

Can you help to do the conversion and keep them as strings so I can use them in my query and where exactly I should do it, in my JS code or in the controller code?


    var periode=$("#Période").val();
    var DebutFin = periode.split(' - ');
    var debut = DebutFin[0];
    var fin = DebutFin[1];
    debut =debut.replace(new RegExp('/', 'gi'),'-');
    fin =fin.replace(new RegExp('/', 'gi'),'-');
    var marque = $("#CodeMarque").val();
    var modele = $("#CodeModele").val();
    var finition = $("#CodeFinition").val();


        data: {debut:debut, fin:fin, marque:marque, modele:modele, finition:finition},  //data body
        cache : false,
        async: true,

debut and fin are under dd-mm-yyyy format but I should send them under mm-dd-yyyy format so i can use them here :

  $marque = $request->get('marque');
        $modele = $request->get('modele');
        $finition = $request->get('finition');
        $debut = $request->get('debut');
        $fin =$request ->get('fin');

        echo $debut;
        echo $fin;

        $TotalAproduire = 100;

        $Commande = DB::connection('sqlsrv2')->table('Commande_nadine')


  • Split the date with - and now join again according to your desired structure.

    Here i swapped element of index 0 and 1 as you just wanted to interchange month and date.

    let str = `01-12-1994`
    let dateArray = str.split('-')
    let desiredDate = dateArray[1]+'-' + dateArray[0] + '-' + dateArray[2]