I need some help with DelegateProxy
implementation. Specifically, what is the proper way of implementing it when the delegate field has different name than simply delegate
? Such as in SKPhysicsContactDelegate
it is called contactDelegate
. I tried defining a computed value delegate
, but it did not do the trick - https://github.com/maxvol/RxSpriteKit/blob/master/Proxy/RxSKPhysicsContactDelegateProxy.swift
It fails with "DelegateProxy has no factory of <PKPhysicsWorld: 0x280b18990>. Implement DelegateProxy subclass for <PKPhysicsWorld: 0x280b18990> first."
Perhaps it is not even related to the delegate field name, but this is the only difference with properly working proxies I could find.
UPDATE: Ha! I just noticed that error message says PKPhysicsWorld
, not SKPhysicsWorld
. So my hypothesis is that it has something to do with the fact that object
in DelegateProxyFactory.createProxy
is a PKPhysicsWorld
instead of SKPhysicsWorld
and _factories[ObjectIdentifier(mirror.subjectType)]
returns nil
The reason you are getting that error is because your registerKnownImplementations()
function isn't getting run.
The following gist should work: https://gist.github.com/dtartaglia/9f1f937628504ca56dbb1aac7d91df2b
The code is also below but the gist can be kept up to date:
// SKPhysicsWorld+Rx.swift
// Created by Daniel Tartaglia on 21 Jan 2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Daniel Tartaglia. MIT License.
import RxSwift
import SpriteKit
extension Reactive where Base: SKPhysicsWorld {
var didBegin: Observable<SKPhysicsContact> {
return Observable.create { observer in
physicsContatctDelegatesLock.lock(); defer { physicsContatctDelegatesLock.unlock() }
let uuid = UUID()
if let (delegate, beginners, enders) = physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] {
var new = beginners
new[uuid] = observer
physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] = (delegate, new, enders)
else {
let delegate = PhysicsContactDelegate(for: self.base)
self.base.contactDelegate = delegate
physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] = (delegate, [uuid: observer], [:])
return Disposables.create {
physicsContatctDelegatesLock.lock(); defer { physicsContatctDelegatesLock.unlock() }
let (delegate, beginners, enders) = physicsContatctDelegates[self.base]!
var new = beginners
new.removeValue(forKey: uuid)
if new.isEmpty && enders.isEmpty {
physicsContatctDelegates.removeValue(forKey: self.base)
else {
physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] = (delegate, new, enders)
var didEnd: Observable<SKPhysicsContact> {
return Observable.create { observer in
physicsContatctDelegatesLock.lock(); defer { physicsContatctDelegatesLock.unlock() }
let uuid = UUID()
if let (delegate, beginners, enders) = physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] {
var new = enders
new[uuid] = observer
physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] = (delegate, beginners, new)
else {
let delegate = PhysicsContactDelegate(for: self.base)
self.base.contactDelegate = delegate
physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] = (delegate, [:], [uuid: observer])
return Disposables.create {
physicsContatctDelegatesLock.lock(); defer { physicsContatctDelegatesLock.unlock() }
let (delegate, beginners, enders) = physicsContatctDelegates[self.base]!
var new = enders
new.removeValue(forKey: uuid)
if new.isEmpty && enders.isEmpty {
physicsContatctDelegates.removeValue(forKey: self.base)
else {
physicsContatctDelegates[self.base] = (delegate, beginners, new)
class PhysicsContactDelegate: NSObject, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
init(for world: SKPhysicsWorld) {
self.world = world
func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
physicsContatctDelegatesLock.lock(); defer { physicsContatctDelegatesLock.unlock() }
let (_, beginners, _) = physicsContatctDelegates[world]!
for each in beginners.values {
func didEnd(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
physicsContatctDelegatesLock.lock(); defer { physicsContatctDelegatesLock.unlock() }
let (_, _, enders) = physicsContatctDelegates[world]!
for each in enders.values {
let world: SKPhysicsWorld
private let physicsContatctDelegatesLock = NSRecursiveLock()
private var physicsContatctDelegates: [SKPhysicsWorld: (SKPhysicsContactDelegate, [UUID: AnyObserver<SKPhysicsContact>], [UUID: AnyObserver<SKPhysicsContact>])] = [:]