I'm using redux-saga with eventChannel in order to handle resource loading with progress tracking.
I was wondering what's the best pattern in order to debounce load-progress event that are too frequent. Am I supposed to handle that at a lower level with a throttled emission
import {
} from 'redux-saga'
import request from 'superagent';
import { throttle } from 'throttle-debounce';
function loadFile(url) {
return eventChannel(emitter => {
const emitProgress = (emitter, payload) => emitter(payload);
const emitProgressThrottled = throttle(500, emitProgress);
.on('progress', event => {
const payload = {
percent: event.percent,
type: 'progress'
emitProgressThrottled(emitter, payload)
.then(res => {
const payload = {
data: res.body,
type: 'finish'
or is it better to handle that within redux-saga scope throttling the inbound pattern emitted by eventChannel
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
A couple pf weeks have passed since I originally posted the question and I made my thoughts clearer.
For the described scenario I preferred the lower level throttle approach (code in the above question body). Isolating the API operational scope as well as avoiding additional load to the redux-saga middleware seems more reasonable to me.
As @Martin Kadlec correctly pointed out, both solution are to be considered acceptable. Which one you'll choose is bonded more with software design patterns and personal preferences.