From the AVM2 Overview PDF I encountered references to two types of stacks - Scope Stack and Operand Stack.
1) I assume these are two different memory stacks, each handling different things. Are there even more stacks?
2) pushstring "hello" - this would push a start of memory address where "hello" string is located onto Operand Stack. Right?
3) setlocal 0 - this would store a value from the stack (above) into register0 by popping it off. Right?
4) PushScope() - hmm, docs say pop value of stack, push value onto Scope Stack. Why?
I know a little bit of NASM but ABC seems more complex than that. Especially I'm confused about Scope Stack and the whole concept of multiple stacks.
I am no AVM2 expert, but here's what I know:
I highly recommend downloading the Tamarin source and playing with the decompiler there. Also, Yogda looks to be pretty handy for learning: