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Insert table inside phpWord template document

I have template.docx template with mark ${table} inside. I need to create table using phpWord and insert it in my template.docx instead ${table} mark inside. Here is my code example

//Create simple table
$document_with_table = new PhpWord();
$section = $document_with_table->addSection();
$table = $section->addTable();
for ($r = 1; $r <= 8; $r++) {
    for ($c = 1; $c <= 5; $c++) {
        $table->addCell(1750)->addText("Row {$r}, Cell {$c}");

//Open template with ${table}
$template_document = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('template.docx');
// some code to replace ${table} with table from $document_with_table
// ???

//save template with table

First, I create table in separate variable $document_with_table using new PhpWord instance. Next I load my template.docx in $template_document variable. And now I need to insert table from $document_with_table to $template_document instead ${table} mark inside. How can I do that?

PhpWord version - latest stable (0.16.0)


  • You can get xml code of your table and insert it insite template

    //Create table
    $document_with_table = new PhpWord();
    $section = $document_with_table->addSection();
    $table = $section->addTable();
    for ($r = 1; $r <= 8; $r++) {
        for ($c = 1; $c <= 5; $c++) {
            $table->addCell(1750)->addText("Row {$r}, Cell {$c}");
    // Create writer to convert document to xml
    $objWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($document_with_table, 'Word2007');
    // Get all document xml code
    $fullxml = $objWriter->getWriterPart('Document')->write();
    // Get only table xml code
    $tablexml = preg_replace('/^[\s\S]*(<w:tbl\b.*<\/w:tbl>).*/', '$1', $fullxml);
    //Open template with ${table}
    $template_document = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('template.docx');
    // Replace mark by xml code of table
    $template_document->setValue('table', $tablexml);
    //save template with table