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Pseudocode for ping application to check the nodes a network

I'm new to computer programming. I am currently preparing homework assignment. I came across this question. Write a pseudocode for ping application which can be then be written in C# program to check nodes in a network.

I wanted to know what a pseduocode? Read that it is a decsription on how to write the code. I am bit familar with python code but not much on C#. Can you guys help?


  • Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or other algorithm. It uses the structural conventions of a normal programming language but is intended for human reading rather than machine reading (Wiki)

    Some basic examples

    eg1.Write a Pseudocode for, if student mark is 50+ that student pass, else the student has failed


     if studentMark is more than equal to 50  
    display pass
    display failed

    as you can see there is no "actual code" but a basic understanding of what the code should do.

    extra Pseudocode Examples