I think the main purpose of __slots__
is to save the memory usage by allowing to specify properties explicitly, instead of using __dict__
allowing dynamic property assignment on the instances. So I somehow understand why __dict__
is removed by default when using __slots__
. But why does it meanwhile remove __weakref__
by default?
Reference: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#slots
I can't read minds, but I suspect the rationale goes like this:
wasn't disabled by default when using __slots__
, providing a way to save the associated memory explicitly would require yet another special opt-out mechanismGiven how infrequently weak references are used at all, it was probably deemed simpler to simply have it disabled by default, with the option to opt back in.
Diving to implementation details, in a sense, unslotted user-defined classes have precisely two "slots" (one for __dict__
, one for __weakref__
) over and above the base object header, so having __slots__
say "Replace the default with this explicit list" makes it natural to remove both __dict__
and __weakref__
when __slots__
comes into play.