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Navigation2d use with move_and_slide in Godot

Rewritten and Edited for clarity. Assume that I have a 2d platformer like the following example:

Now... Say I have the player location (vector2) and the enemy location (vector2). The enemy movement works just like the player in the above example. I use get_simple_path to build an array of pre-existing points that lead from the enemy location to the player location. How do I use that array with move_and_slide to get the enemy from point A to point B?


  • You could try the following:

    const GRAVITY = 1000
    const SLOPE_SLIDE_STOP = false
    var speed = 250
    var velocity = Vector2()
    var points = [Vector2(100, 200), Vector2(200, 400), Vector2(400, 800)]
    var current_point = null
    func _physics_process(delta):
        if points and current_point is null:
            current_point = points.pop_front()
        if current_point:
            if current_point.distance_to(position) > 0:
                target_direction = (position - current_point).normalized()
                velocity.y += delta * GRAVITY
                velocity = lerp(velocity, target_speed, 0.1)
                velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, target_direction, SLOPE_SLIDE_STOP)
                current_point = null