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Skip an RSpec test case at runtime

I'm running RSpec tests against a website product that exists in several different markets. Each market has subtly different combinations of features, etc. I would like to be able to write tests such that they skip themselves at runtime depending on which market/environment they are being run against. The tests should not fail when run in a different market, nor should they pass -- they're simply not applicable.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an easy way to mark a test as skipped. How would I go about doing this without trying to inject "pending" blocks (which aren't accurate anyway?)


  • Use exclusion filters.

    describe "market a", :market => 'a' do
    describe "market b", :market => 'b' do
    describe "market c", :market => 'c' do
    RSpec.configure do |c|
      # Set these up programmatically; 
      # I'm not sure how you're defining which market is 'active'
      c.filter_run_excluding :market => 'a'
      c.filter_run_excluding :market => 'b'
      # Now only tests with ":market => 'c'" will run.

    Or better still, use implicit filters.

    describe "market a", :if => CurrentMarket.a? do # or whatever