I have a git repo with the Jenkins pipeline and the official template of postgresql:
kind: "BuildConfig"
apiVersion: "v1"
name: "postgresql-pipeline"
jenkinsfile: |-
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
DATABASE_NAME = 'sampledb'
stages {
stage('Clone git') {
steps {
git 'https://bitbucket.org/businnessdata_db/postgresql-test.git'
stage('Deploy db') {
steps {
sh 'oc status'
sh 'oc delete secret/postgresql'
sh 'oc delete pvc/postgresql'
sh 'oc delete all -l "app=postgresql-persistent"'
sh 'oc new-app -f openshift/templates/postgresql-persistent.json'
stage('Execute users script') {
steps {
sh 'oc status'
stage('Execute update script') {
steps {
sh 'oc status'
type: JenkinsPipeline<code>
What i have to put in the last 2 steps to run a script against the new generated database?
You can either install psql on your Jenkins container and then run the script through the shell command.
sh """
export PGPASSWORD=<password>
psql -h <host> -d <database> -U <user_name> -p <port> -a -w -f <file>.sql
Or, since Jenkinsfiles are written in Groovy, use Groovy to execute your statements. Here's the Groovy documentation for working with databases.