I have a directory which will look something like this:
|- index.php
|- test-20110324
|- test-20090901
|- test-20070901
What I want to do is use "index.php" to find the most up-to-date file, and require
it into the "index.php" file.
Please note: The included file needs to be selected by the date-stamp suffix, as opposed to the file modification time, as these older files my need to be edited-in-place, without taking precedence over the most up-to-date file.
This concept will be applied over several directories, but the HTML files will all following the pattern above, i.e. WORD-YYYYMMDD.
Any ideas on how to do this? I will be very grateful if anybody could spare a moment to help me out here!!!
Thanks in advance!
Shouldn't be too hard:
$files = glob('*.*'); // change the filemask as you like, prepend a path, etc.
sort($files); // can be customized with usort if default sort isn't satisfactory
$newest = array_pop($files); // get the last element ("greatest" after sorting);
echo $newest;