I want to set up a ddev (v1.5.2) project without a database. When I try to overwrite the image in a Docker-Compose YAML it stops with an error.
As suggested for the dba I have overwritten the db image in an additional docker-compose.database.yaml
in the .ddev
version: '3.6'
image: "busybox"
I expected it to start without the database and it does, but it seems to do a health check for the database which fails.
Failed to start sitzplan: db container failed: log=, err=container exited, please use 'ddev logs -s db` to find out why it failed
The project is running, but it's not working, because it won't run my post-start hooks, which are necessary. In that means I can't even ignore the error.
In order to skip running the database container, use
omit_containers: [db]
in your project .ddev/config.yaml
See docs