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AnkhSVN Visual Studio - SSRS Project File "You are trying to commit conflicted items"

I am receiving the following error message:

You are trying to commit conflicted items. Please review the conflicted files and resolve them, or remove the check when retrying the commit.

I went through the Edit Conflicts screen and chose the copy to keep, selected "Resolve Conflict", on the visual studio prompt I chose "Reload All Files". I tried to commit the files after resolving the conflict, but I get the same message.

Can someone help? Why will it not keep the copy that I have selected?

ANKHSVN-EditConflicts (step1-2) (Edit Conflicts).png enter image description here

ANKHSVN-EditConflicts (step3) (Choose the keep copy).png enter image description here

ANKHSVN-EditConflicts (step4-5) (AcceptMerge-ReloadAll).png enter image description here

ANKHSVN-EditConflicts (step6-7) (Commit) (cyclical error message).png enter image description here



    In "Step 2" instead of Edit Conflict I had to choose the option Resolve> Resolve Conflict.

    I was then able to commit the changes.