I've closed a report and answered 'yes' to the save action popup. Since then, I can't open the report and receiving this error in my browser console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'consumedEntities' of null
at ic3report-all.js?v=2018353111537:5711
at l (base-libraries.min.js?v=2018353111537:151)
at Function.An.reduce (base-libraries.min.js?v=2018353111537:264)
at ReportLayout.consumedEntities (ic3report-all.js?v=2018353111537:5711)
at ic3report-all.js?v=2018353111537:3702
at r (base-libraries.min.js?v=2018353111537:150)
at Function.Xe (base-libraries.min.js?v=2018353111537:212)
at EntityArrayContainer.forEachEntry (ic3report-all.js?v=2018353111537:3379)
at ic3report-all.js?v=2018353111537:3702
at Function.MigrationUtils.migrateReport (ic3report-all.js?v=2018353111537:7985)
Thanks for your help.
Edit: version 6.8.5
icCube 6.8.5: the layout definition might have been corrupted (saving non necessay null information); icCube 6.8.6 will be improved to ignore as much as possible error in the layout definition when opening a report.