I've just added iCloud support to an app that I am working on. Its working great, except that when I open the application without a document in focus the iCloud open file dialog appears and I don't want it to!
In my app delegate I have:
- (BOOL) applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile:(NSApplication *)sender
[mainWindowController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
return NO;
Which I use to show my own custom window. However now, both the iCloud open file dialog and my own dialog are displayed. Any ideas on how I can get rid of the iCloud dialog?
I thought I would share my solution to this issue as I see others still looking for an answer. Its not a great solution but it does the trick.
+ (void) setCanOpenUntitledDocument: (BOOL) _canOpenUntitledDocument
canOpenUntitledDocument = _canOpenUntitledDocument;
} // End of setCanOpenUntitledDocument:
- (void) openDocument: (id) sender
// With iCloud enabled, the app keeps trying to run openDocument: on first launch (before apphasfinishedlaunching gets set.
// This method lets us check and see if the app has finished launching or not. If we try to open a document before
// its finished, then don't let it.
} // End of appHasFinishedLaunching not set
[super openDocument: sender];
} // End of openDocument:
Add the following to your app delegate:
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) aNotification
// Finished launching. Let us open untitled documents.
[SQLProDocumentController setCanOpenUntitledDocument: true];
And the reasoning -- By setting a breakpoint in openDocument
I've found that its called before applicationDidFinishLaunching
, applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile
or applicationShouldHandleReopen:hasVisibleWindows:
get called, meaning adding those methods is useless. Again, it's not great code but it works and does the trick. (None of the other solutions have worked for me).