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unable to login into weblogic console

I'm weblogic newbie, trying to abandon it ASAP, but that's not possible for now, so I have to resolve this. Maybe following is completely normal and trivial. I don't know. Please advice.

I had working weblogic 12.1.3 on 2 PCs for months. But suddenly, I cannot log into admin console on neither of them. I enter username/pass from password store, and it's not accepted. While at the same time intellij idea successfully logs in and deploys app using same pass. OK, fair enough, we reset pass, using:

and update password in intellij settings. Good. Intellij idea is in again, I cannot login. Nothing in logs, neither application, nor server logs.

I cannot login regardless if I start weblogic via intellij run configuration of from bash.

OK, lets try reinstall weblogic. No change.

Weblogic is up and running, app deployed to it, and is responsive. When accessing console URL, it gets printed, that app is being deployed, but I still cannot access it. Cleared caches/cooking etc. nothing. No logs, no error response. Nothing.

Responses to "failed"(?) login on urls j_security_check, console and console/ are http status 302 (moved temporarily). Not sure if it's ok or not, well say I'd expect 401/403, but maybe 302 is valid weblogic response for denied authentication. I don't know.

Any idea?


  • What you can do is to check web storage and try to clear it. But the most clear way is to use different browser. Or use your current browser in private mode. Also in firefox you can create different profile and use it for this specific purposo.