I am new to OCaml and I am trying use functors. When I use the module type annotations with the functors, this results in a compile time error in my code.
When I remove the : Printable
(from the module FromToString
line) and the : ToString
(from the module IntToString
line) annotations, the following program compiles without error:
module type ToString =
type t
val to_string: t -> string
module type Printable =
type t
val print: t -> unit
module FromToString (S:ToString) : Printable =
type t = S.t
let print a = print_string ( S.to_string a)
module IntToString : ToString =
type t = int
let to_string = string_of_int
module PrintableInt = FromToString(IntToString)
let () = PrintableInt.print 3
However, when I add these annotations (as shown in the code) the compiler gives the following error:
File "Functor.ml", line 26, characters 28-29:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
PrintableInt.t = FromToString(IntToString).t
How can I use these annotations without causing a compile error?
The root issue is that your signature constraints make the resulting module far too opaque. When you constrain your functor result:
module FromToString (S:ToString) : Printable = ...
you are making the type t
an abstract type, which can only be consumed by the to_string
function and never been produced. In other words, a module of type Printable
is unusable by itself.
When starting with functor, it is very often useful to look at the module type inferred by the compiler for the resulting module.
In the FromToString
case, this is:
module FromToString (S:ToString) : sig
type t = S.t
val print: t -> unit
end = ...
You can see that the inferred module type of the result
type t = S.t
val print: t -> unit
that it is quite similar to Printable
except that now the type t
is equal to the type t
of the argument module S
Thus, it is possible to reuse Printable
to write the full module type of the result by adding a type equality with a with
module FromToString (S:ToString): Printable with type t = S.t = struct
type t = S.t
let print a = print_string ( S.to_string a)
The same issue appears for IntToString and can be fixed in a similar way:
module IntToString : ToString with type t = int =
type t = int
let to_string = string_of_int
Then the compiler error is gone:
module PrintableInt = FromToString(IntToString)
let () = PrintableInt.print 3