Trying to get series values in the selected area after mouseup. Need to calculate width and height of the selected are in the chart with respect to axis.
I modified your example to draw the rectangle and to output the coordinates of the
Chart1 = new Tee.Chart("canvas");
Chart1.legend.visible = false;
Chart1.panel.format.gradient.visible = false;
Chart1.panel.format.fill = "white";
Chart1.walls.back.format.fill = "white";
Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line([1, 3, 0, 2, 7, 5, 6]));
Chart1.zoom.enabled = false;
var myFormat = new Tee.Format(Chart1);
myFormat.transparency = 0.9;
var rect = {},
drag = false;
Chart1.mousedown = function(e) {
rect.startX = e.x - canvas.offsetLeft - canvas.parentElement.offsetLeft - canvas.parentElement.parentElement.offsetLeft;
rect.startY = e.y - canvas.offsetTop - canvas.parentElement.offsetTop - canvas.parentElement.parentElement.offsetTop;
drag = true;
Chart1.mouseup = function(p) {
var i, tmpP = {};
points = [];
var s = Chart1.series.items[0];
for (i = 0; i < s.count(); i++) {
s.calc(i, tmpP);
if ((tmpP.x >= rect.startX) && (tmpP.x <= rect.startX + rect.w) && (tmpP.y >= rect.startY) && (tmpP.y <= rect.startY + rect.h))
console.log("index: " + i + ", value: " +[i]);
drag = false;
Chart1.mousemove = function(e) {
if (drag) {
rect.w = e.x - rect.startX;
rect.h = e.y - rect.startY;
function drawChart() {
myFormat.rectangle(rect.startX, rect.startY, rect.w, rect.h);
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="canvas" height="400" width="700"></canvas>