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How do I set "Cookie" header in a new request from "Set-Cookie" header response for a SOAP client in a WPF application

I'm integrating my WPF application with 2 WCF applications (one is an "Authentication Application" and the other is a "real" application that requires authentication). The "Authentication Application" returns 3 Set-Cookie headers, and I need to add them to the request header of the "real" application. But I'm unsure of how to get those headers (only the result) I can get:

AuthenticationApplicationService.SoapClient authenticationSoapClient = new AuthenticationApplicationService.SoapClient("AuthenticationApplicationServiceSoap");
bool loggedInSuccess = await authenticationSoapClient.PerformLoginAsync();
// how do I get the cookie headers from this call and set them on the next?

RealService.SoapClient realSoapClient = new RealService.SoapClient("RealServiceSoap");

That first call to PerformLoginAsync returns true or false for successfully logged in, and the headers inclue Set-Cookie. How can I grab those headers and set Cookie headers on the next request to PostAsync?

If there are further questions, please let me know!


  • You should use OperationContext, it has properties that could send cookie. To enable cookie , you should set the allowcookie property to true in your binding configuration.

        <binding name="AuthSoap" allowCookies="true" />
      <endpoint address="http://localhost:63599/Auth" binding="basicHttpBinding"
        bindingConfiguration="AuthSoap" contract="Auth.AuthSoap" name="AuthSoap" />

    Then you could call the login method as follows.

     Auth.AuthSoapClient authSoapClient = new Auth.AuthSoapClient();
            using (new OperationContextScope(authSoapClient.InnerChannel))
    // please put the call of method in OperationContextScope
                authSoapClient.Login("admin", "admin");
              // the following code get the set-cookie header passed by server
                HttpResponseMessageProperty response = (HttpResponseMessageProperty)
                string header  = response.Headers["Set-Cookie"];
              // then you could save it some place  

    After you get the cookie, you should set it in your header every time you call your method.

     Auth.AuthSoapClient authSoapClient = new Auth.AuthSoapClient();
            using (new OperationContextScope(authSoapClient.InnerChannel))
                 //below code sends the cookie back to server
                HttpRequestMessageProperty request = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                request.Headers["Cookie"] =  please get the cookie you stored when you   successfully logged in               
                    HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = request;
    // please put the call of method in OperationContextScope
                string msg = authSoapClient.GetMsg();

    If you feel it troublesome to send cookie every time after successfully logging in. You could consider using MessageInspector, refer to the link's last piece of code