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How to send json data using powershell from S3 to Neptune instance?

I have a turtle file that I wish to send from S3 server to the Neptune instance on powershell. Below is the command I am using

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -ContentType application/json  -body '
  "source" : "s3://cedwardsneptune/ATC.ttl", 
  "format" : "turtle",  
  "iamRoleArn" : "arn:aws:s3:::cedwardsneptune", 
  "region" : "us-east-1", 
  "failOnError" : "FALSE",
  "parserConfiguration" : {
  "namedGraphUri" : ""

This is giving me the following error

Invoke-RestMethod : Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.

I made subtle changes but nothing seems to be working. Any help is appreciated !


  • Error you having says that you are trying to send a BODY when your REQUEST VERB does not allow it.

    Basically you are doing GET and trying to send a body. When GET verb is not allowed to send a body part. Probably you need to use POST method (check specific webservice documentation)

    For that I recommend you next format:

    $Cred = Get-Credential (If you could have)
    $Url = ""
    $Body = '{ 
     "source" : "s3://cedwardsneptune/ATC.ttl", 
      "format" : "turtle",  
      "iamRoleArn" : "arn:aws:s3:::cedwardsneptune", 
      "region" : "us-east-1", 
      "failOnError" : "FALSE",
      "parserConfiguration" : {
      "namedGraphUri" : ""
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $url -Credential $Cred -ContentType $contentType -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -OutFile output.csv

    (*)Of course -OutFile is optional

    And about JSON There is a cmdlet called ConvertFrom-JSON you can use commonly when you need to parse an output(that is a JSON).


    Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $url -Credential $Cred -Body $body | 
    ConvertFrom-JSON | Select field1, field2, field3

    If you expect an output (json) having field1, field2, field3 as fields