I am using distinct to get the distinct latest values but it is giving me an error:
DISTINCT ON fields is not supported by this database backend
class ReportView(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.TemplateView):
template_name = 'admin/clock/report.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(ReportView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['reports'] = TimesheetEntry.objects.filter(
timesheet_jobs__job_company = self.request.user.userprofile.user_company,
return context
Basically I want to query on TimesheetEntry
model where there will be lot of entries of user
which is a foreign key in User
in-built model.
So I want to query with distinct user so that latest entry of the user will be displayed. It is very important for me to get the latest entry of user.
class TimesheetEntry(models.Model):
timesheet_users = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='timesheet_users')
timesheet_jobs = models.ForeignKey(Jobs, on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='timesheet_jobs')
timesheet_clock_in_date = models.DateField()
timesheet_clock_in_time = models.TimeField()
is not supported in MySQL. It only support distinct()
. distinct('field_name')
will only work on PostgresSQL. For more details, please check the documentation.
Examples (those after the first will only work on PostgreSQL):(Copy Pasted from Documentation:)
>>> Author.objects.distinct()
>>> Entry.objects.order_by('pub_date').distinct('pub_date')
>>> Entry.objects.order_by('blog').distinct('blog')
>>> Entry.objects.order_by('author', 'pub_date').distinct('author', 'pub_date')
>>> Entry.objects.order_by('blog__name', 'mod_date').distinct('blog__name', 'mod_date')
>>> Entry.objects.order_by('author', 'pub_date').distinct('author')