my friends have encountered a problem. Thank you very much for reading I use the library swiftyJson and my swift version is 3
"result": [
"id": 427,
"tracking_code": "4271547641283",
"payments": "45,000",
"items": [
"service": "خدمات آرایش کودک کات (اصلاح مو) شستشو و حالت دهی مو",
"price": "25000.00",
"total_price": "25000.00",
"quantity": "1"
"service": "خدمات آرایش کودک کات (اصلاح مو و سشوار)",
"price": "20000.00",
"total_price": "20000.00",
"quantity": "1"
"address": "تهران سعادت آباد خیابان ابریشم ۴ شرق پ ۱۲",
"postal_code": "۳۴۵۶۷۲۴۳8",
"phone": "09381576103",
"status": "در انتظار پرداخت",
"online": "1",
"approved": "درخواست تایید شده است",
"rate": null,
"approved_user": {
"id": 36,
"image": "",
"name": "tets",
"family": "تستی",
"birthday": "1373/9/27",
"services": [
"پیرایش مو، ابرو و اصلاح صورت",
"خدمات آرایش داماد",
"خدمات آرایش کودک",
"گریم و متعادل سازی چهره",
"خدمات ویژه مو",
"خدمات پوست و زیبایی",
"میکرو اسکالپ",
"نگهداری و زیبایی مو"
"date_request": "۱۳۹۷/۱۰/۲۹ ۰۴:۲۰",
"created_at": "۱۳۹۷/۱۰/۲۶ ۱۵:۵۱"
How can I get the value of [approved_user"][" id "] with swifty json?
First, I hope you have json in SwiftyJson format JSON
let json = JSON(data)
Ok, so first you have to get array for key "result"
then we need some element from this array, so we have to specify index of it
then we need object for key "approved_user"
and now we can get its id property
let id = json["result"][0]["approved_user"]["id"].intValue
Anyway, I would suggest you to start using Swift 4+, since you can learn with Codable
and then your iOS programming life will be much easier. ;)