I need to trigger my custom validator on an object either manually or during the json-string to object conversion.
My dto looks as follows:
@NotNullable(enumMessage = RequiredFieldErrors.NAME_REQUIRED, fieldName = "info.personName")
@SpecificValue(enumMessage = BusinessErrors.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUESTED, fieldName = "info.personName.confidentialityRequested", value = ConstantValue.CONFIDENTIALITY_VALUES)
parentFieldName = "info.personDemographics.ssnUnknown",
parentFieldValue = "false",
childFieldNames = {"info.personDemographics.ssn"},
childFieldValues = {ConstantValue.SSN_PATTERN},
includeChildValues = true,
enumMessage = RequiredFieldErrors.PAYEE_SSN_MUST_BE_NUMERIC)
public class MyClass implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@SpecificValue(enumMessage = BusinessErrors.SOURCE_ID_INVALID, value = ConstantValue.SOURCE_ID)
private String sourceId;
@NotNullable(enumMessage = RequiredFieldErrors.INFO_REQUIRED)
private PersonType info;
In above code, PersonType is being composed from other object type. Again there is validation for those object.
This way working fine.
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/rest/uploadefile", method = {RequestMethod.POST}
public ResponseEntity<Object> upload1(@Valid @RequestBody MyClass request, BindingResult bindingResult, HttpServletRequest request) {
if(bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
throw new FieldValidationException(Contstants.INVALID_REQUEST, errors);
I need to get the json request as string. I know @Valid @RequestPart...., will work fine for multipart/mixed type. I want something like this:
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/rest/uploadefile", method = {RequestMethod.POST}, headers = {"content-type=multipart/form-data"})
public ResponseEntity<Object> upload1(@RequestPart(value = "request", required = true) String request, @RequestPart(value = "file", required = true) List<MultipartFile> file, Errors errors) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyClass myClass = mapper.readValue(request, MyClass.class);
ValidationUtils.invokeValidator(validator1, myClass, errors);
if(errors.hasErrors()) {
throw new FieldValidationException(Contstants.INVALID_REQUEST, errors);
I tried with both springframework validator as well as javax jsr validator. Neither of them is working. I am getting following error:
class java.lang.IllegalStateException JSR-303 validated property 'info.personName' does not have a corresponding accessor for Spring data binding - check your DataBinder's configuration (bean property versus direct field access
For following request:
curl -i -X POST -myURL -H "Authorization: ABC" -F request={} -F [email protected]
My validator implements javax.validation.ConstraintValidator as follows:
public class DependentFieldValidator implements ConstraintValidator<DependentField, Object> {
//My code
The Errors
you're using for validation are not that Errors
that should be used.
It should work if you will use manually created Errors
BeanPropertyBindingResult bindingResult = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(myClass, "myClass");
ValidationUtils.invokeValidator(validator, myClass, bindingResult);
Note that BeanPropertyBindingResult
implements Errors