I am deploying my Masonite app to Heroku but it keeps saying application crashed.
This is the error in the Heroku logs:
2019-01-15T16:55:36.759023+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/api/document/get_from_array?document_kinds,ID_CARD,TAX_ID,SELFIE&profile_id,2&user_id,8&provider_id,6" host=sibyl-core.herokuapp.com request_id=10-12-27161 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
This works on localhost but not on Heroku.
This is what the response shows on localhost:
"ID_CARD": [],
"TAX_ID": [],
"SELFIE": []
I am using Gunicorn for my WSGI server.
Most of the time this happens because of 2 reasons:
Typically it is number 2 but if you are deploying with Gunicorn then your procfile should be:
web: gunicorn wsgi:application
If that looks correct to you then run:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
And then try redeploying. The pip freeze
will ensure that your requirements.txt is up to date with all dependencies in your current environment.