I have tried to get crosstab of data specified by slice.
But something wrong in syntax.
like the following
And then do python3 test.py
like the following
import pandas as pd
import enum
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
class Slices(enum.Enum):
first = slice(0, 2)
second = slice(4, 6)
def getCrosstab(*args):
cols1 = []
cols1.append(df.iloc[:, args[0].value])
cols2 = []
cols2.append(df.iloc[:, args[1].value])
print( pd.crosstab(cols1, cols2) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
getCrosstab(Slices.first, Slices.second)
Expected result:
col2 ie if ig
ia 1 0 1
ib 1 1 0
ic 0 1 1
But I had an error:
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (2, 2), indices imply (2, 3)
I can not fully understand the meaning of this error.
Please give me your guidance.
twice, once for each set of columns, and then call crosstab
u = (df.melt(['ia', 'ib', 'ic'], var_name='C', value_name='D')
.melt(['C', 'D'], var_name='A', value_name='B')
.query("B != '0' and D != '0'"))
pd.crosstab(u.A, u.C)
C id ie if ig
ia 0 1 0 1
ib 0 1 1 0
ic 1 0 1 1
def crosstab_for(df, sliceA, sliceB):
u = (df.reindex(df.columns[sliceA] | df.columns[sliceB], axis=1)
.melt(df.columns[sliceA], var_name='C', value_name='D')
.melt(['C', 'D'], var_name='A', value_name='B')
.query("B != '0' and D != '0'"))
return pd.crosstab(u.A, u.C)
crosstab_for(df, slice(0, 3), slice(4, 7))
C ie if ig
ia 1 0 1
ib 1 1 0
ic 0 1 1