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Need Lex regular expression to match string upto newline

I want to parse strings of the type :

a=some value
b=some other value

There are no blanks around '=' and values extend up to newline. There may be leading spaces.

My lex specification (relevant part) is:

a=  { printf("Found attr %s\n", yytext); return aATTR; }
^[ \r\t]+   { printf("Found space at the start %s\n", yytext); }
([^a-z]=).*$  { printf("Found value %s\n", yytext); }
\n  { return NEWLINE; }

I tried .*$ [^\n]* and a few other regular expressions but to no avail. This looks pretty simple. Any suggestions? I am also aware that lex returns the longest match so that complicates it further. I get the whole line matched for some regular expressions I tried.


  • You probably want to incorporate separate start states. These permit you to encode simple contexts. The simple example below captures your id, operator and value on each call to yylex().

    char id;
    char op;
    char *value;
    %x VAL OP
    <INITIAL>[a-z]+ {
        id = yytext[0];
        yyleng = 0;
        BEGIN OP;
    <INITIAL,OP>[ \t]*
    <OP>=[ \t]* {
        op = yytext[0];
        yyleng = 0;
        BEGIN VAL;
    <VAL>.*\n {
        value = yytext;
        return 1;