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Starter "Hello World" React Project Gives Empty Page

I am new in React.js development and I tried a simple hello world page but I got an empty page and also I didn't get any error.

I use create-react-app for creating this project. After creating the project,I started the localhost with npm command and I deleted all files in the src folder. Than I created index.js and HelloWorld.jsx files in the src folder. Then I write these codes in these files. And I got empty page. But I want to write Hello Mark in the page. Why does it code give me an empty page?

index.js file:

import React,{ Component } from 'react';

import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld';

class index extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="index">
        <HelloWorld name="Mark" />

export default index;

HelloWorld.jsx file:

import React,{ Component } from 'react';

const HelloWorld = (props) => (
    <h2>Hello <em>{}</em></h2>

export default HelloWorld;


  • Okay, so a few things:

    First of all, change the name of your root component from index to Index. React components should start with a capital letter.

    Then, you have to use ReactDOM.render() at the root level. This is what actually initiates the rendering and reconciliation process of all subcomponents.

    import React,{ Component } from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld';
    class Index extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <div className="index">
            <HelloWorld name="Mark" />
    ReactDOM.render(<Index />, document.getElementById("app"));

    Note that you also need an index.html file with a div in the body with an id attribute that matches the selector above (in this example "app").