Using SWI-Prolog
?- current_prolog_flag(windows,Value).
Value = true.
?- current_prolog_flag(version,Value).
Value = 80000.
For a simple DCG
constant_value --> "ID".
listing/1 outputs
?- listing(constant_value).
constant_value([73, 68|A], A).
However in my notes I have it as
?- listing(constant_value).
constant_value(['I', 'D'|A], A).
but I don't know what I did to have the character codes appear as characters.
I tried the SWI-Prolog flag double_quotes with various values (chars, codes, string) but can't reproduce the desired output.
How are listing/1 of a DCG created where the character codes are displayed as characters?
I think that you probably had double_quotes flag in codes
when constant_value was compiled. The value of this flag won't affect clauses already stored in the database.
constant_value1 --> "ID".
:-set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
constant_value2 --> "ID".
?- listing(constant_value1).
constant_value1([73, 68|A], A).
?- listing(constant_value2).
constant_value2(['I', 'D'|A], A).
Edit by Guy Coder
Since I use the Q&A at SO as a personal notebook with my own Q&A, I tend to look at the accepted answer for the details; I am adding them here for everyone's benefit.
As this answer correctly states, the problem was caused by the fact that originally in the source code, which was a module stored as a file, I had the statement
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars).
before the code
constant_value --> "ID".
then in the REPL
?- consult('C:/').
?- listing(constant_value).
constant_value(['I', 'D'|A], A).
and to use this
?- phrase(constant_value,"ID").
Latter in the source code I changed the value for double_quotes
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,codes).
notice the change from chars
to codes
Restarting the REPL and doing the same
?- consult('C:/').
?- listing(constant_value).
constant_value([73, 68|A], A).
?- phrase(constant_value,"ID").
gave the different result for listing/1.
However in the REPL using
had no effect on the result of listing/1.
<VALUE> can be one of string
, chars
, codes
, traditional
, or atom
The key point to note here is that listing/1 uses consulted/compiled/stored code. So the value of double_quotes
at the time of consulting/compiling/storing is what listing/1 uses. Any changes to double_quotes
after that in the REPL will not change the consulted/compiled/stored code and thus the result of listing/1.
To effect a change you have to add
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,<VALUE>).
in your source code before the predicate then consult/1 to load it and then listing/1.
The meaning of consulted/compiled/stored does not imply that these are three separate actions performed in a sequence, here they define when the source code is put into the database for use by listing/1.