I have a datasource that contains > 1000 records. The current Query page size is at 100.
I have a need to loop through each item, and try to find a record that matches input given by the user. Fairly simple use-case, however, I can't seem to get the script to loop through the pages so it just finishes its loop at the query page size of 100 and therefore only searching the first 100 records.
I've tried putting in
at the end of the for loop and then call regoExists again with the new page but it doesn't work. How is nextPage() meant to be used in client scripts?
function regoExists(rego){
var regoUp = rego.toUpperCase();
regoUp = regoUp.trim();
ds = app.datasources.Vehicles.items;
for (var i in ds){
if (ds[i].registration === regoUp){
console.log(ds[i].registration + " equals " + regoUp);
app.datasources.Vehicles.query.filters.registration._equals = regoUp;
return true;
} else {
console.log(ds[i].registration + " does not equals " + regoUp);
Rather than looping through each record and performing the query on each individual record I would suggest introducing a textbox widget in the same datasource and setting the binding to:
Then load the datasource via a button click or via the onValueEdit event of the textbox widget. If the registration value exists, it will be returned in a table presumably, and if it doesn't exist no records would be returned.