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OData filtering before selecting inside an expand query

I am writing a query for metadata in Dynamics 365, but I think this problem could be universal for any OData query.

My problem is as follow:

In Dynamics, we can have multiple types of fields in entities, such as strings, bools or lookup. I want to write a query that returns the type of entity the lookup is addressing.

            Targets; -- Problematic property

If I dont include the select for Targets in this query, I get the correct result, being all attributes where theyr AttributeType is Lookup.

But when I require the Targets to be aslo included, I get an error message

Could not find a property named 'Targets' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.AttributeMetadata

Because the Target property only exists on those arrribute that are of the type Lookup, therefore selecting this column from a string attribute will fail and throw this error.

Is there a way to first filter to lookups before selecting a column? I have found here that the order of evaluation is

$filter, $inlinecount, $orderby, $skiptoken, $skip, $top, $expand, $select, $format

which is exactly what I need, except I don't think this order is the same when invoked inside the $expand attribute.


  • For getting the lookup entities you might have better luck doing an $expand on ManyToOneRelationships instead of Attributes and getting the ReferencedEntity value.


    Something like this should work:
    .../api/data/v9.1/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName='account') ?$select=LogicalName &$expand=ManyToOneRelationships($select=ReferencingAttribute,ReferencedEntity)

    Subset of results:


    Also, for reference, I tried doing an $expand on Attributes AND Targets:

    It throws an error:

    "Query option '$expand' was specified more than once, but it must be specified at most once."