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Use double-click to see diffs for pending changes using VisualSVN in Visual Studio 2015

I am new to VisualSVN, coming from AnkhSvn. I am using the "Pending Changes" window to review my changes to the solution.

When I double-click into the tree of files, I get the file opened for display in Visual Studio 2015.

Context menu of VisualSVN for pending changes

This is the first menu entry in the context menu. How to change this behaviour, to open the diff tool on double-click instead?

Note: Opening the diff tool works with the context menu and also with the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+D), but my workflow would be faster, if I could just double-click to see the diffs.

Note2: This is a copy of question on SE, but since it is off-topic there and on-topic here, I copy-migrated it.


  • You can configure the behavior of double-click in the Pending Changes window. Follow these steps:

    1. Start Visual Studio.
    2. On the menu bar, choose VisualSVN | Options.
    3. On the left pane, click Code Review.
    4. Select the Show changes on double click option and click OK.

    enter image description here