How do I configure TSLint in VSCode to not reformat my code? I don't want to disable TSLint entirely I just want to stop this one thing it does. I want to keep the leading indentation within the html tags.
<ng-template [ngIf]="($eventsCount | async) > 0">
<a href=""
*ngIf="!($isClosing | async)"
confirm="Are you sure?"
Close All
When I save the above code TSLint ( in VSCode ) reformats it to this:
<ng-template [ngIf]="($eventsCount | async) > 0">
<a href="" *ngIf="!($isClosing | async)" class="btn--danger" confirm="Are you sure?" (confirmed)="onCloseAll()">
Close All
What rule do I need to change in TSLint to stop it removing the leading spaces in my angular components html?
TSLint version: 5.9.1
This is not TSLint - this is probably the default HTML formatter in VS Code. You likely have formatOnSave set to true, you can disable it completely, or for certain filetypes:
"editor.formatOnSave": true
"[html]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false
However I would recommend checking out Prettier, they recently released an insanely powerful/configurable HTML formatter.