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Problem in getting result from 'aws ecr get-login'

I am getting following error when given following command.

aws ecr get-login --region eu-central-1


An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation: User: arn:aws:iam::314xxxx91079:user/git is not authorized to perform: ecr:GetAuthorizationToken on resource: *

My admin has given me access for this 'GetAuthorizationToken' resource.

Most probably what I think the problem is 'arn:aws:iam::314xxxx91079:user/git' user being used for this command. When I login into aws console, I see my user name (IAM) as follow.

How do I make 'get-login' to take this user name instead of user/git. I am very new to aws cli, and this command happens to be one of the build step.


  • The AWS cli command looks good and the output should be similar to below

    Sample output: 
    docker login -u AWS -p password

    Please check if you have correctly set the AWS credentials for cli to use.

    If not done, try below to configure the credentials

    aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: Access Key
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Secret Key
    Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
    Default output format [None]: json

    Note : This should be your default profile, else pass profile name as well for ecr get-login command

    aws ecr get-login --region eu-central-1 --profile <profile name>

    Hope this helps !!!