I found this interesting SCSS advanced guide, with lot of cool approaches to use. Then I got stucked on the one below, the iterator is clear but I cannot understand what the number 1
and number 2
are used for. Any ideas??
$buttonConfig: 'save' 50px, 'cancel' 50px, 'help' 100px;
@each $tuple in $buttonConfig {
.button-#{nth($tuple, 1)} {
width: nth($tuple, 2);
Compiled CSS
.button-save {
width: 50px;
.button-cancel {
width: 50px;
.button-help {
width: 100px;
nth($list, $index)
: returns the value at $index position in $list
so in the last example ,
$buttonConfig: 'save' 50px, 'cancel' 50px, 'help' 100px;
in first iteration will be 'save' 50 so ($tuple, 1) will be save and ($tuple, 2) will be the width value 50px and so on .