I am thinking about using reflection in a ValidationRule. A user can enter values in a WPF DataGrid, while each cell of the DataGrid represents the properties of the underlying model (of course).
To avoid checking if a cell contains an invalid character (';') manually with an if statement for each cell (property) I intend to to that using reflection.
...but how can I get the type of the used class in the BindigGroup
? Is that possible at all?
public class MyValidationRule : ValidationRule
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
BindingGroup group = (BindingGroup)value;
StringBuilder error = null;
foreach (var item in group.Items)
IDataErrorInfo info = item as IDataErrorInfo;
if (info != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Error))
if (error == null)
error = new StringBuilder();
Type type = typeof(MyClass);
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
Console.WriteLine(property.GetValue(property.Name, null));
if (property.GetValue(property.Name, null).ToString().Contains(";"))
error.Append(property.Name + " may not contain a ';'.");
error.Append((error.Length != 0 ? ", " : "") + info.Error);
if (error != null)
return new ValidationResult(false, error.ToString());
return new ValidationResult(true, "");
I found this solution:
Type type = item.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
if ( property.GetValue(item).ToString().Contains(";") )
error.Append(property.Name + " may not contain a ';'.");