I currently try to give my rows in the following table an index
ticket_id(bigint) val(nvarchar(4000))
99856 15.01.2019 16:58
99856 15.01.2019 17:20
99921 15.01.2019 17:31
100197 16.01.2019 09:55
The index should've been generated by the following logic
row_number() over (Partition by ticket_id Order by convert(datetime,val,104) asc) as nr
However, this query returns
The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
It works when I use the following query
row_number() over (Partition by cast(ticket_id as int) Order by convert(datetime,val,104) asc) as nr
Can someone explain why?
Not correct conversion, try find bad values
SELECT * FROM [youTable] WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,val,104) IS NULL
when I apply "Try_convert", I do not get any Error
Return Types
Returns a value cast to the specified data type if the cast succeeds; otherwise, returns null.
for example
SELECT TRY_CONVERT(datetime,'99.99.9999',104)