so I've been stuck at this problem for a few days: My Input is this:
Its a String with 3 different RGB values, which also come with a number which indicates their quantity going from hightest to lowest. You could translate the String from above to:
While the 1 stands for the first color and 2 for the second and so on.
What I need to return is the first color without its quantity. So my output should look like this:
I've tried various of things, one is this function:
var firstC, secondC, thirdC;
var pointer = "firstC";
function getEachColorValue(color) {
var startIndex = 0;
var endIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < color.length; i++) {
if (color.charAt(i) == ",") {
endIndex = i;
if (pointer == "firstC") {
firstC = color.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
pointer = "secondC";
} else if (pointer == "secondC") {
secondC = color.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
pointer = "thirdC";
} else if (pointer == "thirdC") {
thirdC = color.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex;
pointer = "firstC";
This pushes RED1
in firstC
in secondC
and BLUE1
in thirdC
I thought about doing that one time, use a function to write firstC, secondC, thirdC into an array, reset them. Then cut col3
into a substring without the first color pallet, then repeat.
// Global variables
var stringHolder;
var newString;
var counter = 0;
var colorSetHT = new Array;
// main
function createSubstring(color) {
var startIndex = 0;
var endIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < color.length; i++) {
if (color.charAt(i) == ",") {
endIndex = i;
if (counter == 4) {
stringHolder = color.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
newString = color.substring(endIndex+1, color.length);
colorSetHT.push(firstC, secondC, thirdC)
counter = 0;
stringHolder = "";
// createSubstring(newString); // ?
I've tried this, but had no luck so far. I even tried to do it recursively.
Im kinda new to Javascript (actually doing it for Extendscript), I think theres a way easier way, working with split/slice
but I havent been able to find one yet. I tried to make it as easy and fast to read as possible, please let me know if I can provide any further information, thanks in advance!
Here is how to do it with split
var input = "255,255,255,10,251,91,31,4,220,220,220,1";
var inputArray = input.split(",");
var outputArray = [];
for(let i = 0;i<inputArray.length;i++)
if(i%4 != 3)
var output = outputArray.join(",");