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Steam Web API not retrieving user reviews

I have been trying to get some user reviews from an app on Steam using their API which is documented here. However, some of the requests return only the JSON {"success":2} and nothing else.

You can try these two requests on your browser:

Miner Ultra Adventures Steam Web API reviews: this request returns {"success":1,"query_summary":{...},"reviews":[...]} and if you open this Steam Community page you can check that the game has reviews and they are being retrieved correctly.

UFO: Afterlight - Old Version: this returns {"success":2} but when you open the game's Steam Community page you can see that the game has several reviews but they are not being retrieved.

I have not found any information on this response code. I do not think this matters but I am using two Python libraries: Requests and BeautifulSoup.


I have found this unofficial website that has response codes. It seems to be a generic error and I still do not know how to access some app reviews.


  • UFO: Afterlight - Old Version was removed from Steam store.
    You will get same response with any other game Title that has been removed from Store.