I have written a function derivative(w1, w2, pt)
that evaluates the derivative of the function f(x) = w1 * x**3 + w2 * x - 1
at point pt
. Strangely, I have found that I get different results depending on whether def f(x)
is positioned inside or outside of derivative(w1, w2, pt)
. Why does the positioning of def f(x)
matter / which is correct?
Example 1:
def derivative(w1, w2, pt):
x = sy.Symbol('x')
def f(x):
return w1 * x**3 + w2 * x - 1
# Get derivative of f(x)
def df(x):
return sy.diff(f(x),x)
# Evaluate at point x
return df(x).subs(x,pt)
From which derivative(5, 8, 2)
returns 68
Example 2:
def f(x):
return w1 * x**3 + w2 * x - 1
def derivative(w1, w2, pt):
x = sy.Symbol('x')
# Get derivative of f(x)
def df(x):
return sy.diff(f(x),x)
# Evaluate at point x
return df(x).subs(x,pt)
From which derivative(5, 8, 2)
returns 53
I think it's your global scope that is polluted. Look at this example :
import sympy as sy
def f(x, w1, w2):
return w1 * x**3 + w2 * x - 1
def derivative(w1, w2, pt):
x = sy.Symbol('x')
# Get derivative of f(x)
def df(x, w1, w2):
return sy.diff(f(x, w1, w2),x)
# Evaluate at point x
return df(x, w1, w2).subs(x,pt)
print(derivative(5, 8, 2))
This is just a modified version of your example 2 and it returns the same answer.