Ones I had a discussion at work about correlation between interface name and number its methods.
In particular, there is an unwritten rule about an interface with postfix notation ending with er
in its name.
The rule says such an interface should have one method contained.
Let's jump into an example. In the standard Go lang library, there is Pusher
interface that does one thing "Push initiates an HTTP/2 server push".
Here is its definition:
type Pusher interface {
Push(target string, opts *PushOptions) error
Good example. However, some colleague defended his implementation that contained more than two methods with er
in name's postfix.
The main argument was that there are stdlib's interfaces that violates such a rule. He referred to interface ReadCloser
Looking at its definition:
type ReadCloser interface {
I can say its wrong assumption. Interface embed in itself two other interfaces. How I interpret that? The rule is not violated.
How will you interpret such a case?
This question is possibly going to get closed, either because it's deemed opinion based, or not code related, or whatever...
However, golang being deemed quite opinionated, and because I deem standards very important, I'll chip in with my take on the unwritten rule, and how I'd reconcile, essentially why the ReadCloser
is fine, but some other er
interfaces might not be.
I'd interpret the ReadCloser
not to violate the "rule" (I'd call it a convention more like). I have a number of arguments why I'd say it's not violating the convention:
The ReadCloser
interface isn't a self-contained interface. It's a composed interface. It's name reflects this. It concatenates Read
and Close
(the 2 functions in the interface you're after), and adds the er
suffix. How both functions are implemented, and where they come from is irrelevant to the interface. If you read something, chances are you'll need to close the resource, too. It only makes sense to combine the two interfaces, so you can use the type that guarantees both Reader
and Closer
functionality to be available.
Much like the guidelines WRT package names stutter is to be avoided. Especially if it doesn't add any value. Technically, one could argue that the interface should be called ReaderCloser
, but does that name communicate anything that isn't conveyed by the name ReadCloser
? Surely not. The latter doesn't repeat the suffix, and reads easier.
interfaces and CamelCasingThe examples of single-function er
interfaces like Stringer
, or Publisher
are indeed cut & dry. A Stringer
contains the String
function. End of story. Same as the Publisher
You'll note that the ReadCloser
interface is CamelCased, suggesting it's a composit type. Just split the name on UpperCase characters, and add the suffix to each part. If the parts are bona-fide er
interfaces, and the composite interface makes sense (cf point 1: if you read, chances are you'll need to close), then it's a valid composite interface.
Examples of an invalid er
interface would be:
type FileReader interface {
ScanDir(string) ([]string, error)
IsFile(string) bool
Open(string, string) error
// and so on
This interface contains too many BS functions to be packed into a FileReader