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Hibernate Lazy Initialization exception even using Join Fetch in HQL queries

I want to initialize a collection with lazy fetch mode and use Join Fetch in my queries but I some times(not always) face with lazy initialization exception ???

org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: xxx.entity.Product.producerEntities, could not initilaize proxy - no session ...

for example this query:

"select p from Product p left join fetch p.producerEntities"

and my persistence class:

    class Product
        Set<Producer> producerEntities = new HashSet<>();
        @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        public Set<Producer> getProducerEntities(){
         return producerEntities;


I don't understand what is the problem?


  • Problem was from my collection setter and getter methods name. It issolved.